
Bringing plant potential to life.

A global company that produces agrochemicals and seeds, Syngenta wanted to create a unique gift to give valued clients during annual crop tours as well as to promote their AAC Synergy malt barley seed. A local sales representative had a brilliant idea to create the 40-Mile Beer, where everything from start to finish was grown, malted and brewed within a 40-mile radius.

Marketing Support
  • Logo design
  • Product packaging

Also within the radius, Trait was tasked with creating a unique label that would resonate with farmers while illustrating the significance of the product in a simple, visually appealing way.

Only intended as a promotional item, the beer has since become so popular that it’s served and sold at select locations in Central Alberta.

40 Mile Beer Art Canvas

This project is an excellent example of the diversity and creativity of Trait’s design team.

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